How To Duplicate a Broken Key: Terry Whin-Yates the President and CEO of Mr. Locksmith shows us how to duplicate a broken key. Although it can be done through the key’s code, Terry shows how it can be done manually on a key machine. Let’s take a look at how perfectly he’s performed it: @mr.locksmith […]
How To Duplicate a Broken Key – Mr. Locksmith Richmond
Opening A Safe Using A Safe Auto-Dialer – Mr. Locksmith Richmond

Opening A Safe Using A Safe Auto-Dialer: If your safe is locked out and no longer have the passcode, you have a few other options in order to open it. Using an automatic Dialer to open a safe is definitely one of them – yes, even if you’ve forgotten the combination. A Mr. Locksmith Richmond crew opened […]
Mr. Locksmith’s Rewards For Himself – Mr. Locksmith Richmond

Mr. Locksmith’s Rewards For Himself: Terry Whin-Yates, president and CEO of Mr. Locksmith, shows off his reward for himself for his hard work. What is it? Some new tools! It is a pliers and a wrench in one single tool and he’s giving a heads up of an upcoming video about it. Check it out! @mr.locksmithNew Tools! […]
Al Capone’s Prison Cell in Alcatraz – Mr. Locksmith Richmond

Al Capone’s Prison Cell in Alcatraz: Terry Whin-Yates, the president and CEO of Mr. Locksmith, was able to visit one of the most historic cell block in the world – Al Capone’s prison cell in Alcatraz. Alphonse Capone is one of the most famous gangsters who got imprisoned in Alcatraz, in San Francisco, California, back in the […]
How To Use a Lishi Pick – Mr. Locksmith Richmond

How To Use a Lishi Pick: Terry, president and CEO of Mr. Locksmith teaches us how to use a Lishi Pick. Lishi Picks are one of the most handy tools used for lock picking. It has a plate that has markings used to find out the exact spacing and measurements inside a specific lock. Using Lishi […]
No. 1 Mistake Locksmith Students Make – Mr. Locksmith Richmond

Most Common Mistake Locksmith Students Make: Students in general do tend to commit errors but make no mistake about it, it is all part of the process of learning. As the saying goes, “Experience is the best teacher” and Mr. Locksmith has a whole batch of it. Having broken down Mr. Locksmith’s Top 10 Locksmith […]
5.11 Best Boots for Hot Weather | Mr. Locksmith Video

5.11 Best Boots for Hot Weather | Mr. Locksmith Video For further information go to Mr. Locksmith Richmond Let’s talk about something that’s a little different today. Boots. As locksmiths, we put in a lot of hours and so we’re constantly on our feet. We’re on our feet in all sorts of weather. Today we’re going […]